Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Abba Krishna Love Story Of Forgiveness In Boracay 3

Migrants to the Coasts: Livelihood, Resource Management, and Global Change in the Philippines


Click The Following Websites To Browse The Previous Episodes:

Part 1

Part 2

AG and Ana behaved like college lovebirds and walked around hugging each other closely. They bade Diana, the nanny, to keep a close lookout for Natalia who was playing with a pail to build a sand castle. Diane looked wistfully as the good looking couple walked back to the cottage hoping to steal away for some private time in the room. “No so fast, lovers, there’s plenty of time for that later.” The owner with the manager in tow intercepted them on the way up to usher them to the coffee hut where local government officials and members of the board of directors were waiting to pay the perfunctory round of courtesies.

Ana tried her best to look lively. She was used to putting on a bright face on top of weariness when walking the fashion ramp. Her smile and charm put everybody including AG in a relaxed mood just like a proper politician’s wife. The banter became animated and the laughter lively as beer, tea, and coffee with generous servings of cocktail dishes came flowing interminably at the prodding of the owner. AG forgot he was on a vacation and became engrossed in whispered confidences with the portly mayor at the head of the table. He was jolted back with a sense of guilt for backsliding so absent mindedly when he caught Ana looking at him from the far end with moistened eyes.

Ana stood up and excused herself so tastefully by offering her mother’s instinct to check on Natalia by the beach as a proper compulsion. She turned a cold back to AG who found it hard to extricate himself from the political huddle and could only reach for the frosty glass of ice cold water to drown it with an angst for the lost opportunity to be alone with his darling wife in the midst of the island paradise of Boracay. His attention was drawn again to an earful recitation by the host about the party planned for the evening in his honor to be capped with a no holds barred disco and karaoke till the break of dawn at the famous bar on the beachfront.

Two hours later, AG half ran or cantered over the stone patchwork to the cottage at the front. In the back of his mind he worried what quick pledges he gave back there to cut the dalliances short so he could get out faster to be with Ana which could backfire later to upset political realities and alignments in the Capital. He was surprised that the short run made him pant mildly. He was an avid golfer and worked out regularly at the gym. Must be the shortened sleep from the excitement of the packing and the trip over was what he thought. Or maybe beer and coffee give one the double whammy of fixes.

He breezed through the kitchen entrance at the back pretty quickly and headed straight to the master bedroom. He smiled in anticipation as he plotted to jump and surprise Ana on the bed. His momentum carried him through the door without knocking and fell on a surprised Diane who was drying her hair atop the master’s bed wrapped in a white towel. He fell on top of her on the bed as she shrieked with delighted surprise. The entanglement caused AG to savor the smell of soap and shampoo on her body and long hair which wrapped on his face as his proboscis grazed on her soft skin on the neck and under the ear. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his back as they both fell back on the mattress. His full body crushed hers into the deep embrace of the bouncy cushion and he felt her shapely legs push up under him.

AG’s face was stricken with a gamut of emotions running roughshod inside his entire body as he tried to stand up. “What are you doing, where’s your Madam?” AG stammered and cleared his throat. “She asked me to get dried up ahead of them so I can pick up Natalia to bring her back. Mum Ana asked me to unpack her stuff and bring her hairbrush over. Sir you gave me a start.” “Hi, hi,” she blushed and giggled and searched his face with a soulful look. AG tore away his gaze and mumbled something inaudibly. With head bowed he plodded outside. “I will look for Ana, okay” he gurgled.

The next episode will be coming soon at the following blogspot:

Below is the image at:

Below is the image at:

FHM Lingerie World Tour 2004: The Sexiest Sights From Around the Globe: Featuring Diana Zubiri

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