Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Abba Krishna Invokes Mutant Communism With Capitalism And Belief In God As Dynamics For A Forthcoming Philippine President

It will be a cinch for American Intelligence to use dirty tricks to nudge Noynoy Aquino to take a swishing slide back to the earth and the bottom of the polls from his lofty perch brought by the euphoria from the yellow ribbon resurgence. All they have to do is foist the communist bogey once again on the nervous and fickle noses of the huge voting public in the countryside. How to do it? They can leak their secret dossier secured in vaults for decades alleging strong evidence linking Ninoy to the bombing at Plaza Miranda by NPA terrorists.

The Filipinos are naturally suspicious of communists and disdain the insurgency that has caused untold suffering in the hinterlands among farmer folk. You know why communism failed to win over the hearts and minds of the poor people in the barrios? It has to be given that the idealism of the young guerillas from the University of the Philippines who trekked to the mountains to join and lead the movement has cloaked it with a sense of nationalistic and patriotic sacrifice. However they came without a God. That is their folly. There is no way a Godless ideology can take root in the Filipinos’ soul.

When the Spaniards came, the Filipinos in the north embraced Christianity without difficulty. When the Moslems ventured in the southern part, Islam easily took root in Mindanao. In fact religions foster equitable distribution of economic resources much like the principles of communism the only difference being the presence of a Deity for spiritual adherence. The Filipinos are very spiritual in nature and tendency. Many of them embrace many forms of beliefs and mix them up under the mantle of the most popular one like Catholicism. The most insulting characterization that can be heaped on one’s person in the rural areas is to be called Godless.

The American spooks can play their game and sit comfortably back to wait for their top two bets to emerge as victor in the presidential polls. Their first choice of course will be Harvard Law grad and protégé, Gibo Teodoro, the administration official candidate and currently Secretary of Defense. If he’s too green behind the ears and fails to drum up the bandwagon avalanche of votes and support despite the heavy logistics at his service, then Manny Villar can serve as the worthy fallback position. Too bad Wharton and Wall Street product, Mar Roxas had to give way to Noynoy due to the high sentimentalism of the moment. The Americans would have thrown all their fortunes with Mar because of his unequalled vote getting power and the nationwide reach of the moribund but intact Liberal Party machinery.

The Filipinos love God and God loves the Filipinos. We have been a poor country for so long but watch the Philippines take off in the next decade. Faith is crystal and hope is gold. Love is Divine and will serve as the covenant between a God and a people to rise above poverty with a vision founded unerringly on a steadfast belief in education, indelibly hinged on taking care of the family back home, and trusting God to lead them to the promised land where BPO’s, IT savvy, professional skills, and the English language will be the drawing forces to bring the long Diaspora back home finally and happily. And all who return will kneel in prayer at Baclaran Cathedral to thank God for His Infinite Goodness. Maybe a little prayer too as consolation prize for His gift of a great American President for our troubled times, Nobel Peace Prize winning, Barack Obama, would be in order.

O’ Most Holy Almighty God The Father In Heaven

The Abba Krishna

I Love You

Hare Krishna, Hare Rama, Abba Krishna

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