Thursday, December 4, 2008

Jews’ Brains Are Natural Conduits of God-like Scientific Knowledge That’s Why They Are Chosen by the Krishna Abba Father God to Be Nobel Laureates

Gabriel Lippmann
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Niels Bohr
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Donald A. Glaser
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lev Landau
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hans Bethe
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Steven Weinberg
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Before we continue to the main topic let me make it clear that the Jews I am referring to are those from the Bilderberg Club led by Sir Evelyn Rothschild and David Rockefeller Sr. From their ranks came Albert Einstein and most of the Nobel Peace Prize awardees for science.

The Jews who mystified Wall Street live mostly in New York and Florida. They concocted derivatives to enrich themselves. Their major contributions to humanity are the Hollywood movies and TV shows. Most noteworthy, they provided the genes to sire Leighton Meester, the most beautiful woman who ever lived.

This talk about the Jews came about when my son queried me about my take on the U.S. Dollar and why it has not fallen to the trash heap like predicted by doomsday economists.We were driving to work and I tried my utmost to paint my version to him in a logical way. I sort of ranted like an eccentric but I tried my best to sound academic.

First thing I said was that the Federal Reserve can step up the printing of the fiat dollar up to the quadrillions to contain the crisis. I said as long as the other nations support it, the dollar will not plunge in value despite the oversupply.

Second thing I said was that the dollar is fiat money anyway. It’s not tied to the gold standard so the super inflation that results is largely imaginary. As long as the nations whose currency are pegged to gold support and honor the value of the dollar based on the credibility of the United States to make good on payup time, then it’s a good trust bill.

If the trust is bottomless, then there is no such thing as super inflation. Even precious oil will remain traded and denominated in U.S. dollars per barrel. The big shake up will come on payup time. That’s when the United States has to make good its debts. The question is will there ever be such a payup deadline.

I told my son that political power can forever delay or postpone a payup time. The United States enjoys the leverage of the mightiest nation on earth and the leadership of the free world. All the nations would be inclined to support the survival of the United States if only to be assured of their own continued prosperity and well being.

Trust is tied to good prospects and I’m sure the new U.S. President, Barack Obama, will ride with this. He has to make the wager of no choice. There is no other choice to make but to bet on the good fortune of the people of the United States, their resilience and their capacity to bounce back and clinch victory after every fall.

It’s a no choice bet because if you are losing one billion in roulette don’t tell me you’ll walk away with a penitent face and submit yourself meekly to the bankers and hope they don’t torture or liquidate you after they find out you can’t pay up. You have no choice but to bet double the money and keep on going until you turn the roulette table around. Who’s brave enough to accost you if they know you can self detonate and bring down the whole casino with you. It’s all paper money any way. Better to have a life.

The no choice bet is not without good prospects. More than self preservation, the other nations even China, India, and Japan will recognize the promise of technological breakthroughs and innovations using IT that the United States can deliver with globalization to the world economy. This giant leap in the next decade can overtake the supposedly dire financial quagmire arising from the printing of too much fiat currency.

In fact this problem about paper money will go away completely. Everybody has not realized that the problem really is that paper currency is growing obsolescent. It is not a valid reflection, instrument, or quantifier of people’s needs and wants. Derivatives as a mutant of the old currency up into the modern financial markets are more valid indicators.

The misuse and misappropriation of derivatives and other modern financial negotiable certificates like mutual funds, credit default guarantees, and sub prime mortgages are part of the growing pains leading to the phase out of paper money to be substituted by a new system based on IT and the internet. The exchange of goods and services and worldwide distribution will follow the patterns of diffusion used in the internet in the dissemination of ideas and information.

The worldwide global economy will be managed with the internet. Nobody is more adept to take the lead in this than the United States. That’s why the United States cannot fall. Part of the growing pains will be next logical step to a one world government and one world economy. Through this poverty will be eliminated from the face of the earth as distribution to fill every individual’s need will be computerized to assure equitability and sufficiency.

This the rightists and the oligarchs don’t want. They will lose their prerogative to hoard billions of untold riches. Therefore they use everything in their means to put down the one world movement. They use the specter of genocide, famine, wars, viruses, and anti Semitic talk of conspiracy to muckrake it alas but with nary a single iota of proof.

According to Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, Krishna Abba God is not Jewish.It is only coincidental that in the formation of brains the Jewish kind got a higher rate of the type with receptors for inspirations and revelations of God like scientific knowledge.That’s the reason a lot of them won the Nobel Peace Prize for scientific discoveries and inventions.

You too can build up your capacity to communicate with the Krishna Abba God the Father by giving glory to Him. The best way to live your life in the confidence of the Krishna Abba is by expanding your knowledge of Him. Let Dr. Andy Villanueva teach you these Truths by emailing him at and

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Leptons and Quarks Cluster Around Our Thoughts in Super Symmetry to Form Our Material Body Says Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, lover of Krishna

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The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which cost billions to put up actually already proved the existence of ripples in the quantum field or vacuum of space during the last set of runs in 2008. These ripples like surfs or breakwater that bubble on the surface of the sea when gusted by wind are the result of the collision of sub-atomic particles.

This process in Physics was actually duplicated in the controlled experiment in Geneva. The sub atomic particles known as Higgs Bosons were actually detected in the ripples. The scientists however want to corroborate the tentative proof. They decided to upgrade the facility to maximum level which will take another five years to confirm the findings.

As a confirmation of our belief in the spirit, these Higgs Bosons or God particles are without mass and move at the speed of light. They take earthly form when they are slowed down during the interaction with the electromagnetic and gravitational forces of the quantum field in the vacuum vastness of space. Leptons and quarks which are the next step up the ladder from the Higgs cluster in super symmetry to form matter like the human anatomy.

This gives rise to the super string theory which is the scientific theory on the existence of all matter in the universe. The God particles from the Person of the Krishna Abba God Almighty are pure spirits which assume material form through vibrations like super strings. The resonance finds close kinship with the decibels and cadence of the Maha Mantras taught by Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls. Chanting Mantra hymns to the Almighty Krishna is a reenactment of the vibration like strings of sub atomic bosons.

When the spirit is slowed down and assumes material form there is a consequent contraction of the universe. The odd thing is that sophisticated telescopes show both contraction and expansion. This leads to the theory of multi-dimensions in Physics and also borne out by mathematical formulas. These computations show the possibility of the existence of one dimension of time and as high as eleven dimensions of reality and space.

There are actually eleven versions of you in different dimensions. The most apparent which follows the opposition of the contracting universe to the expanding universe is your alter ego living as an exact opposite of your present state or condition. Bridging the gaps in consciousness of differing dimensions can be achieved by Krishna meditations.

Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, tells us that your thoughts are an integral part of your eternal spirit. The eternal spirits are particles of light which came from the Krishna Abba God the Father. They will only die if snuffed out in the pit of dark matter which surround and intersperse with all light aggregations in the universe like stars and galaxies.

Knowing the Krishna will sustain the connection with the Light of Life and allow the spirit the everlasting existence the Krishna Father divined. Get a total spiritual immersion from Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, by emailing him at or at

Be careful with your thoughts. They become what you want them to be. Your physical form conforms to your thoughts. For example if you want to be virile your image becomes that of the phallic symbol as shown by the representation above. If you secretly desire to be a woman or flagrantly exhibit such flair, then the clustering of matter on your spirit follows your wish as shown by the pictures of the antithesis of the male.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


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The young man in his prime can’t fathom getting old. He thinks he will be youthful forever. He wastes time, throws away opportunity, and retreats because he is afraid to die so young. If he knew that his spirit can’t die, he’d probably be more adventurous. Living with the knowledge of the Krishna Abba Father God makes him indestructible.

Aging should be a time to be joyous. Cling to the knowledge of the Krishna Abba Father God and you will enjoy everlasting life as a God particle in His multi-dimensional dominion. The many dimensions bring multi-existences and simultaneous episodes of reality connected by a single dimension of time. One doesn’t really age irrevocably because traveling through time is possible with enlightenment given by the Krishna Abba.

Sounds perplexing? Let Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls and Guru of Maha Mantras inspire and enlighten you with the Divine Truths of the Krishna Abba Father Almighty God. Chanting hymns known as Maha Mantras to the Krishna Abba Father God brings emancipation from the clutches of the cycle of aging, disease, and death.

The debilities and ravages of disease can be eased with a fervent devotion to the Krishna. Mind over matter is achieved with transcendental meditation using the Mantras. You may contact Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, by emailing him at You may also send messages through

Laughter and gaiety should mark one’s interaction and worship of the Krishna Abba Father God according to Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls. It helps too that one can appreciate beauty. This integration is personified by the aura that Chelsea Lately projects. She displays an innate appeal which combines both seductive and comical. It’s like laughing through the tremors of an orgasm.

Don’t worry be happy. What’s the worse thing that can happen? You cannot die. But you may come back as Monica and that’s not too appetizing unless you were Perez Hilton in a prior body.

Monday, December 1, 2008


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Chanting the Divine Mantras to the Krishna Abba cleanses one’s soul and physical form of impurities. Many earthly activities like seeking wealth spoil the cleanliness of the body. Giving glory to the Krishna Father saves a person from the revenge of karmic laws.The best way to commune with the heavens is at a quiet beach with unspoiled solitude.

Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, can teach you the proper chants to reach the high levels of meditation using Mantras to the Holy Krishna. Just chanting the Mantras fulfills a devotee’s obligation of serving, loving, and giving Glory to The Almighty God the Krishna Abba. During sunset or sunrise at the beach, wearing a flimsy diaphanous sari can put a woman in the right mood to open up to the inspirations of the Divine Krishna.

Men are also enjoined by Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls to participate in the rituals by the beach. Meditations are best done with the active participation of both men and women. The ritualistic processions of the Krishna according to Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, are usually dramatic reenactments of a courtship between a female expansion and a male expansion of the Krishna Abba. Expansions are Manifestations.

The best beaches in the Philippines are located in Palawan, Cebu, and Boracay Island. Join Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, as he leads spiritual tours to these exotic destinations for a thorough spiritual immersion through Mantras to the Krishna Abba. During these trips Dr. Andy will preach the truth of the Krishna to the group. Email him now at or to sign up to join.