Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Below is the image in its original context on the page: www.parami.org/buddhistanswers/when_we_die.htm

Below is the image in its original context on the page: krishnastore.com/krishna-3d-animated-movie-ga...

Below is the image in its original context on the page: sctindia.blogspot.com/2006_11_01_archive.html

Below is the image in its original context on the page: www.ioffer.com/i/The-Three-Stooges-Animated-C...

Below is the image in its original context on the page: uncleeddiestheorycorner.blogspot.com/2007_06_...

Below is the image in its original context on the page: www.coolwebgossip.com/?p=1072

Below is the image in its original context on the page: www.mefeedia.com/query.php?q=Chelsea%20Handle...

Below is the image in its original context on the page: blogs.tampabay.com/.../index.html

Below is the image in its original context on the page: www.bobbleheadbob.com/donald_trump.html

Below is the image in its original context on the page: www.flickr.com/photos/marcn/2616365071/

Below is the image in its original context on the page: www.internetweekly.org/2005/09/cartoon_dumb_a...

Below is the image in its original context on the page: downwithtyranny.blogspot.com/2007_03_01_archi...

Below is the image in its original context on the page: billdunlap.wordpress.com/.../

The young man in his prime can’t fathom getting old. He thinks he will be youthful forever. He wastes time, throws away opportunity, and retreats because he is afraid to die so young. If he knew that his spirit can’t die, he’d probably be more adventurous. Living with the knowledge of the Krishna Abba Father God makes him indestructible.

Aging should be a time to be joyous. Cling to the knowledge of the Krishna Abba Father God and you will enjoy everlasting life as a God particle in His multi-dimensional dominion. The many dimensions bring multi-existences and simultaneous episodes of reality connected by a single dimension of time. One doesn’t really age irrevocably because traveling through time is possible with enlightenment given by the Krishna Abba.

Sounds perplexing? Let Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls and Guru of Maha Mantras inspire and enlighten you with the Divine Truths of the Krishna Abba Father Almighty God. Chanting hymns known as Maha Mantras to the Krishna Abba Father God brings emancipation from the clutches of the cycle of aging, disease, and death.

The debilities and ravages of disease can be eased with a fervent devotion to the Krishna. Mind over matter is achieved with transcendental meditation using the Mantras. You may contact Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, by emailing him at ilud_urmbwiesrd@yahoo.com.ph. You may also send messages through leverjos@gmail.com

Laughter and gaiety should mark one’s interaction and worship of the Krishna Abba Father God according to Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls. It helps too that one can appreciate beauty. This integration is personified by the aura that Chelsea Lately projects. She displays an innate appeal which combines both seductive and comical. It’s like laughing through the tremors of an orgasm.

Don’t worry be happy. What’s the worse thing that can happen? You cannot die. But you may come back as Monica and that’s not too appetizing unless you were Perez Hilton in a prior body.

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