Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Leptons and Quarks Cluster Around Our Thoughts in Super Symmetry to Form Our Material Body Says Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, lover of Krishna

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The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which cost billions to put up actually already proved the existence of ripples in the quantum field or vacuum of space during the last set of runs in 2008. These ripples like surfs or breakwater that bubble on the surface of the sea when gusted by wind are the result of the collision of sub-atomic particles.

This process in Physics was actually duplicated in the controlled experiment in Geneva. The sub atomic particles known as Higgs Bosons were actually detected in the ripples. The scientists however want to corroborate the tentative proof. They decided to upgrade the facility to maximum level which will take another five years to confirm the findings.

As a confirmation of our belief in the spirit, these Higgs Bosons or God particles are without mass and move at the speed of light. They take earthly form when they are slowed down during the interaction with the electromagnetic and gravitational forces of the quantum field in the vacuum vastness of space. Leptons and quarks which are the next step up the ladder from the Higgs cluster in super symmetry to form matter like the human anatomy.

This gives rise to the super string theory which is the scientific theory on the existence of all matter in the universe. The God particles from the Person of the Krishna Abba God Almighty are pure spirits which assume material form through vibrations like super strings. The resonance finds close kinship with the decibels and cadence of the Maha Mantras taught by Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls. Chanting Mantra hymns to the Almighty Krishna is a reenactment of the vibration like strings of sub atomic bosons.

When the spirit is slowed down and assumes material form there is a consequent contraction of the universe. The odd thing is that sophisticated telescopes show both contraction and expansion. This leads to the theory of multi-dimensions in Physics and also borne out by mathematical formulas. These computations show the possibility of the existence of one dimension of time and as high as eleven dimensions of reality and space.

There are actually eleven versions of you in different dimensions. The most apparent which follows the opposition of the contracting universe to the expanding universe is your alter ego living as an exact opposite of your present state or condition. Bridging the gaps in consciousness of differing dimensions can be achieved by Krishna meditations.

Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, tells us that your thoughts are an integral part of your eternal spirit. The eternal spirits are particles of light which came from the Krishna Abba God the Father. They will only die if snuffed out in the pit of dark matter which surround and intersperse with all light aggregations in the universe like stars and galaxies.

Knowing the Krishna will sustain the connection with the Light of Life and allow the spirit the everlasting existence the Krishna Father divined. Get a total spiritual immersion from Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, by emailing him at or at

Be careful with your thoughts. They become what you want them to be. Your physical form conforms to your thoughts. For example if you want to be virile your image becomes that of the phallic symbol as shown by the representation above. If you secretly desire to be a woman or flagrantly exhibit such flair, then the clustering of matter on your spirit follows your wish as shown by the pictures of the antithesis of the male.

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