Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Imperatives Derived From Glorifying the Abba Krishna and Rising above Daily Iniquities

Below is the image at:

Mahatma Andy said that the most important duty of a devotee of the Krishna is to teach others the pleasure of pleasing the Abba Krishna by the focused and dedicated chanting of the Maha Mantras. Building a temple to house a venue of worship for such an activity is merely secondary in priority.

Mahatma Andy is right too. However the problem is the reach of one’s intention via a mission and an advocacy to propagate the Maha Mantras to the greatest number of potential converts. Doing it on a personal basis by going door to door or one on one can take such a long time as a manner of dissemination.

The presence of a glorious temple symbolizing the protective embrace of the Abba Krishna which beckons to those who suffer the travails of everyday existence or to those who savor the bounties of living and need to offer thanksgiving or seek preservation in their blessings can serve as a wide ranging magnet to attract people to its fold.

Chanting the Maha Mantras and glorifying the Abba Krishna Father God works for both the rich and the poor. A spiritual master in the level of the Guru is a holy man who communes with the Father in a plane that transcends all earthly and material tribulations. We cannot immediately achieve this level of meditation but offering our lives in pursuit of such a spiritual consciousness can give immediate beneficial effects in our daily lives.

Foremost are healthy eating habits. The Abba Krishna desires that we attempt with all our best efforts and sincerity to adopt a purely vegetarian diet. Remember that this is not a strict requirement to become a devotee or to advance in spiritualism. As long as we keep chanting the Maha Mantras as a continuous offering to God, we can be purged of the impurities arising from eating other creatures in our diet.

The good thing is that in our unsuccessful sorties to be purely vegetarian in feeding ourselves we somehow reach percentages where the presence of cholesterol rich meat is mitigated. Thus we become healthier and live longer to enjoy the comforts of being materially abundant in life. For the indigent the unending toil of having to scrounge for repast is rendered easier to reach as the price of vegetables is much more affordable.

The problem with seeking too much wealth as well as trying to cope with the lack of it is that it can impair the health with too much tension. A lot of heart attacks and strokes arising from high blood pressure can be traced to the rigors and strain of material pursuits. Rising above mental and emotional aggravation can be advantageous for cardiovascular health. This is afforded by transcendental meditation inherent in the chanting of Holy Mantras.

How such information like the above could be distributed to the most number of possible adherents is the compelling rationale behind building a majestic and resplendently white Abba Krishna temple in the middle of a blighted slum district. Pomp and ceremony coupled with dole outs like gift packs containing rice, noodles, sugar, and canned goods can draw the poor denizens to seek solace and revelry in its confines. Once they learn the substance of the teachings of the Abba Krishna and get involved in the chanting of Maha Mantras they will achieve a calmness of disposition that can give them more level headedness to rise above their failures and inadequacies.

For the poor their attention will be diverted from engaging in physical entanglement with the wife as a form of recreation leading to unwanted pregnancies. For the rich the debauchery of unbridled promiscuity with many partners that wreck the unity of the family will be minimized. Plus the wealthy can be given an outlet to reap good karma by parting with a miniscule portion of their budget for donations to the Church by helping build a temple for the slums as a concrete step to benefit the peace and order of the community.

Send your donations to Mahatma Andy AKA Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls and join his internet ministry of the God Particle of the Abba Krishna. Arrange the details by sending your email to OR . You may also send it to OR

1 comment:


WTF??? Who is this guy? I googled my name this morning and there I see my full name, click on it and I see 2 of my FB pics on this site. Talk about an invasion of privacy. If this guy wants us to believe he's all knowing and holy, you'd think he'd have the freakin manners to at least ask my permission. So, there are pics of all kinds of beautiful women he calls the 'beautiful faces of facebook' and then we have shampoo, sausage, perfume and cologne, soda pop, sports shoes and toothpaste? Oh man come on! This is some serious random shit! Not many people are going to read this, it's too out there and very verbose. I have a decent IQ and while I was attempting to decipher his meanings and analogies I couldn't get passed the hot dog wieners and deodorants. I love it when I accidentally come upon something that is really profound and meaningful and the information inspires me and stays with me for as long as I can remember. This however, "bloggadocio" was the biggest waste of my time today! My good friend Dale would say, "YOU NEED TO GET LAID!!" Maybe sir, it will give you much needed clarity.