Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Abba Krishna Should Figure In Daily Life Including The America VS. Philippines Contest On Hearty Breakfasts And Sultry Damsels

Abba Krishna Should Figure In Daily Life Including The America VS. Philippines Contest On Hearty Breakfasts And Sultry Damsels With The Most Beautiful Faces On Facebook For 2009

Pound For Pound Toss Up To Proclaim The Most Scrumptious Breakfast To Be Found In The East Or West

Battle Of Appeal And Tempting Looks Between Contenders For Miss Facebook America 2009 And Miss Facebook Philippines 2009 As The Sight For Sleepy Eyes Early In The Morning

Waking up is always better with the smell of coffee and a good looking babe fixing breakfast. You feel a mixture of raw cravings wash over your body pulling to fill the appetite while at the same time pricking your insides with a pesky horniness that yearns for an encore of the previous night’s sizzling intimacy. Turning over on the fluffy mattress the grumbling in your stomach cranked by the cooking aromas meets its match in the pressing friction against the tingling hardness in your middle. She walks in with the tray and you tear your eyes repeatedly back and forth from the delectable crunchy bacon and the inciting whiteness of her thighs which peek through the slits in her bathrobe.

Brunch may mean something else than breakfast combined with lunch at midmorning when another thing develops because of a festering inamorata for a seductive companion. It could end up an acronym for brutalized wench especially when you swiftly set aside the food and pull her back to the bed with urgency. She squeals with delight as you entrap her curvaceous body between your upraised legs to bear down with full weight on your throbbing troubled part. Her bewitching scent pleases your senses over the inviting whiffs of the goodies she whipped up for the bedside repast. The softness of the neck, the cascading frilly hair, the fullness of her chest, and the curvy feel of her waist and legs riding you blow away competition from the sparkling hash browns. Finally you lose control when her moist lips suckle yours to leave you breathless.

Both of you laze by the bay window to take in the sunrise and let the coffee smoothen the ruffled emotions from the wild morning tumble. Flushed smiles and shy looks are in order because of the jaded looseness from the repeated coupling. Her lovely face winces with benevolence, gratification and ardor to pledge complete surrender to all your wants and wishes. Her pulverized condition takes nothing away from her desirability as she looms like a vintage punching bag as shapely and breathtaking as ever. She pushes the eggs your way and you lather them with catsup and crumble the brittle bacon bits seemingly seared by soaring temperatures from the furnace of affection.

The Abba Krishna belongs to both of you in that unity stemming from the joining in romance and the communion of breaking bread to break the fast from the long night. Of course fast in this scene refers to a rapidity in replaying liaisons instead of a six hour respite from absorption. The enjoyment is laid like a land mine to usher us to comply with physiological functions but the opening to loftier aspects like a oneness in mind and body and a giving with altruistic tendencies behooves us to rise to a higher nobility above animals where our nature is transformed to the God-like image we were vested by the Abba Krishna. Selflessness is giving and looking out for each other which constitute the overall theme of Creation by the Holy Father God. Like you keep giving until it hurts up to the extreme point when they are ready to throw you into the slammer but then in the nick of time the tide turns to draw everything back to you like a whirlwind bonanza. Always commemorate Creation by paying homage to the Almighty Father God, the Abba Krishna with a short chant or meditation whenever caught in the rush of daily pleasure making regardless of religious affiliation and even if you adhere to none at all. After all the laws of Physics dictate that you receive because of a Source. And if there were none then all seems more apropos because it proves you are the one and unless you remember creating yourself then you must have sprung from a provocation like the smoothest pearl.

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Boneless Milkfish (Bangus) With Eggs And Fried Rice Breakfast

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